Comments on: DISH | roasted squash dark chocolate loaf + fighting for food education your guide to all thing food and drink in Halifax, Nova Scotia Wed, 16 Dec 2015 02:25:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah Lloyd Wed, 16 Dec 2015 02:25:52 +0000 E-mail me!

By: Sarah Lloyd Wed, 16 Dec 2015 01:51:29 +0000 Kathy,

It’s been a long time, but I’m glad to see your blog is still super helpful and fun to read. Congrats on your new position as well – which leads me to the reason for my comment. You were very inspiring to me for the brief time we worked together. You turned me toward so many cool things.. tree planting, avocado-mozza-tomato sandwiches, and Airbnb. Safe to say, you really helped show me an alternative way of living.. a much healthier way.

That inspiration followed me to NSCC Waterfront, where I realized the limited access to local foods (mostly whole foods and veggies). So, I started a Farmer’s Market, with farm fresh produce packs available to students at an affordable price. Getting the food on campus was a big part of my focus this year, while re-educating and sharing lost skills is the second piece to the project.

I’m about to start produce pack distribution as a part-time job, outside the campus. I was really hoping to start doing workshops or events surrounding food education. A lot of my friends and customers are just starting to foster a healthier relationship with food and could use some guidance. I still remember how much fun you made the kitchen for me, and I would love to share that positive energy.

E-mail me back so we can talk more. I’d love to meet up and see what’s possible.

By: Kathy Jollimore Tue, 14 Apr 2015 16:35:00 +0000 Thank you a million times over! I have some pretty great inspiration 😉

By: Mardi (eat. live. travel. write.) Fri, 10 Apr 2015 00:37:59 +0000 Hurrah for joining the Food Rev community! Thrilled to count you amongst our ranks Kathy! And the Peanut is a lucky little person to have you as a mum – I know you’ll do a great job of #FoodEd!
